The Dovedale School Community
Dovedale School is a co-educational, state full primary school. The school recognises our responsibility as the focal point for the community and we pride ourselves with the many opportunities we provide for the community to come together. The school community is diverse and made up of people from primary industries, professionals, contractors, farmers, unemployed persons, lifestyle groups and single parent families. There is a strong and active PTA who supports the school through constant fundraising, which enables us to offer our students enhanced resources for their learning.
The ‘Dovedale Kid’ is confident, respectful, happy, creative, inspired and strong. Staff provide high quality education for all students. Students experience rich opportunities both in and outside the classroom. We enjoy strong and inclusive cluster links to our local schools and we are actively part of the ‘Moutere Hills’ cluster of learners. We have established and maintained strong links with Motueka High and our students participate in a range of transitional programmes in Year 7 and 8 including attending the Gifted and Talented workshops throughout the year. We also have strong links with a pre-school playgroup that is on our school site.
The school is staffed by a Teaching Principal, one Fulltime Class Teacher, one Principal Release Teacher, one Teacher Aide, two Part Time Secretaries, a Cleaner and a Caretaker. A wide range of outside agencies also support the school including a Public Health Nurse, School Dental Service, Advisory Services, Property Maintenance Service and the Ministry of Education.
We have two classrooms, a multi-purpose room and a community owned library. The school also has a school pool, a PE Shed, a hard court area, an adventure playground, a large grassed play area, a native area and a shaded sand pit. We are very resourced in ICT and have a range of computers and projectors.
We offer a comprehensive outdoor Education programme and use our links with outside providers such as the Able Tasman Trust and Whenua-iti to help us facilitate this.