Learning at Dovedale School
Learning at Dovedale School Learning at Dovedale is interactive, interesting and fun. We plan and implement rich learning programmes in line with the New Zealand Curriculum. What sets us apart from other schools are the things we value about learning and include the following;
We are small school- 42 students made up of siblings, cousins and extended family which results in a strong whanau environment.
We don’t just focus on reading, writing and maths. Our Dovedale School Curriculum is broad and provides our students with rich learning experiences both in and outside the classroom.
We have consistency in teaching and learning- 2 teachers over the 8 years of primary schooling. We know our children very well and develop trusting and strong relationships with children and whanau.
We foster strong relationships through; child-child using Tuakana-teina; emphasis on buddy systems and learning buddies. Students learn with and from each other, pair and group learning is important to us and shared learning is valued. Teacher-student; these relationships are caring and inclusive. Teacher-parent- we have strong home-school relationships. Because our children have the same teacher for several years, learners, teachers and whanau are intertwined.
We learn together by participating in whole school inquiry topics in a range of themes across the curriculum.
Teacher collaboration is robust – teachers work together planning, marking, sharing ideas, team teaching and we all participate in whole school teaching.
Teachers at Dovedale demonstrate ‘Ako’ by being learners and engaging in ongoing professional development. Teachers recognise the knowledge and expertise that children bring to the classroom, their contributions are valued.
Manaakitanga- visitors are welcomed in the school to participate in our learning with us.
We have mixed level classrooms- this allows for rich ability grouping, flexible learning and strong peer collaboration.
Our learning is needs based – it is individualised and we recognise ‘stage not age’. It is about where you are now and what are your next steps.
We celebrate our learning with interactive school ‘showcases’- these happen termly and use a variety of formats to showcase learning to our school community.
We have a small and intimate staff- we are supportive of each other, flexible, collaborative, fun and work in a team.
Dovedale is part of a 5-school cluster and we regularly participate in local inter-school sporting events- winter and summer tournaments, swimming and athletic sports. Our students have many opportunities to get involved in activities outside the classroom in both sporting and cultural pursuits.
We use ‘Storypark’- an online portfolio sharing stories and communicating learning to parents and whanau.
Our school values underpin everything we do and are based on strategic aims from community consultations – Dovedale Students are…. confident, respectful, happy, creative, inspired and strong.
We have a ‘Dovedale Learner Profile’ based on school Strategic aims/school values. These help us to grow and develop in each of the 6 values from a ‘hatchling’ to ‘chick’, to ‘fledgling’, to a ‘dove’ during the 8 years at Dovedale School. We ‘Fly Together’ by being a team player and staying connected to our community.
Outside experts are used regularly at Dovedale School. We work to everyone’s strengths and get in specialist guidance when needed.
We believe in positive reinforcement and foster this by having school ‘Houses’. House points are earned and there is a house trip for the winning house at the end of each term. There are regular house challenges and houses develop are aimed to leadership opportunities and team building across mixed ages.
We run School Wide Discovery time- this gets our children ‘thinking outside the square’, gives them a chance to be creative and fosters the 6 values of our school. We value this time in our school timetable.
We have a strong and supportive community; we welcome parent and community help in classes and invite our community in to work alongside us.